Design and build Chain Link Security Fence with barb wire and double drive gate and walk gate around communications towers in rural communities across Alaska.
Why Choose Us?
AAA Fence, Inc. warrants our workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year from date of completed installation. Your satisfaction is our goal!
Supply and install perimeter fencing around the existing airport improvements. The fence included barb wire top, chain link skirting, pedestrian gates, double swing gates and an electronic cantilever gate.
Supply and install various types of bollards, steel gate, transit bench, trash receptacle and gateway structure per specs and plans. Public Owner with stringent quality and safety guidelines. Project located near active public park facility, excersice extra caution and awareness to pedestrians.
Supply and install custom steel cut outs, pedestrian railing, guardrail removal, seperaton fence and pipe hand rail along the Old Seward Highway. State Owner with stringent quality and safety guidelines. Project located on busy road with high levels of trade coordination and traffic control. Site access was difficult for installation of fence panels on burms with equipment, many holes had to be dug by hand.
Provide and install all to remove and re-use/replace traffic staples; provide and install decorative barrier fence, including all appurtenances and finishes as required; access gate and tie-backs; bike racks; install flag pole as required by plans and specifications.
Local Government Owner (State of Alaska DOT&PF). Project consisted of installing shoulder delineators along the Dalton Highway from MP 254-414. Remote location with varying logistic challenges and varying soil conditions including permafrost. Contract included stringent safety and quality requirements and a definitive project deadline (completed in advance).
Supply/install chain link security fence, wrought iron fence, high security crash barrier, walk, cantilever and drive gates, gate operators and bollards.
Supply and install guardrail on wood post, dumpster gates, 8’ custom cedar wood fence, swing gates, custom decorative metal fence, custom decorative columns, black welded wire fence and remove/relocated gateway structures.
Installation of Chain Link Security Fence with barbed wire and various types of gates for Military Owner/Engineers (NOAA/USACE) (subcontractor to Tikigaq Engineering Services).
Installation of approximately 27,170 LF Chain Link Security Fence with three strands of barb wire and six new gate structures along the new fence around the Missile Field on Fort Greely.